Se snøen

Se snøen

Se snøen – en slags vintersang IKKE ALLE HAR NOEN Å DELE JULA MED Ny sang! Julesang? Njaei… kanskje. Vintersang? Ja, det er det nok. Klikk gjerne inn for å høre min nyeste skapelse “Se snøen”. Det reflekteres litt rundt alle de som er aleine nå...

Still Going Young (a tribute to Neil Young)

Still Going Young – a tribute to Neil Young This is my tribute to uncle Neil! In the mid 60s Neil & friends bought an old Pontiac hearse and drove all the way from Toronto to LA to form a band. As a result the Buffalo Springfield saw the light of day. In a...
Rocking in the Free World (Neil Young Cover)

Rocking in the Free World (Neil Young Cover)

Rocking in the Free World – Neil Young cover «I wanted to create the feeling of a live studio recording, even though I played all instruments myself» “Nice interpretation, haven’t heard it like this before. Like this it could have been an old Rolling...